Install the Beloit College faculty and staff VPN software for PCs (OpenVPN).
- Visit https://itweb.beloit.edu/vpn/ and log in with your college credentials.
- Click the link for PC, then download the Beloit-College-vpn.exe file.
- Open the downloaded Beloit-College-vpn.exe file
- Important: If you receive a message from Windows Defender that the app was blocked from running, click the More Info link and then click Run Anyway.
- Click Yes if prompted to run the app.
- When the OpenVPN Setup Wizard appears, click Next, then click I Agree, then click Next, and last click Install.
- If a Windows Security message appears about installing driver software, check the box next to “Always trust software from OpenVPN Technologies Inc.” and then click Install.
- Once the process has completed, click Next, then uncheck the box next to “Show Readme”, and then click Finish and then Close.