This Wednesday, at 9:30am, LITS will be updating the SchoolDude Facilities Request login page to the new single sign on login. There may be a 5-10 minute period in which you are unable to log in to submit tickets during this time. Once the upgrade is complete, you will be able to log in again as usual with your college username and password. Your existing bookmarks, and links on the website and Portal, will continue to work as usual and do not need to be updated.
Additionally, on Thursday, starting at 4:00am, LITS will be performing an upgrade on the Active Directory domain controller. This process may take several hours but is not expected to have any significant impact on connectivity.
If you experience issues with either SchoolDude or AD services including logging onto your workstation, connecting to shared drives (bcshares "M" drive or userhome "H" drive), please email for assistance.