On July 29th, 2021, we shared information about upgrading to macOS Big Sur. If you have not upgraded, please do so at your earliest convenience by following our upgrade guide or by using the Upgrade to macOS Big Sur option in the LITS Self Service app.
With the upgrade comes some security enhancements and some changes in the way macOS keeps you informed about your privacy. After upgrading, you may notice additional prompts when you open an app for the first time - your Mac will ask you to give permission for each app to access 'private' resources on your computer, such as your files, camera, microphone, etc.
This also includes access to view your desktop. This feature in particular is used when sharing your screen in apps like Zoom, or when using an external dock or display adapter to mirror your screen onto an external display. When those features are in use, you will see notifications on your desktop and login screen, stating that "Your screen is being observed."
This message is normal and expected, and does not mean that your screen is being viewed remotely. You will see this notification whenever an external display is being used or an app is accessing your screen to record or share it. You can find more information about this concern as it applies to the Dell docking stations that LITS uses on the Dell DisplayLink Knowledge Base, and more information on how to verify which apps are allowed to share your screen in Apple's Big Sur User Guide. Display adapters and docking stations require this permission to work properly.
LITS Support does not remotely screen share without explicit permission and an on-screen prompt for approval. If you have any questions about Big Sur, macOS privacy, or how LITS manages and supports your Mac, please let me know or email support and we'll be happy to answer questions or provide more information.